About Us

Manav Sewa Foundation, Nepal is a non-profit public welfare social organization established in 2078 B.S. This organization is committed to work for the development of the entire human community through various social, religious and survive activities. For the overall development of economically and socially deprived children, woman, elderly, orphans and helpless people, the organization plans to open orphanages, child center and elderly homes (hermitage)and conducting various activities for them.

It is also focused to protect and promote people with disabilities and who are deprived of education, health and other services.  Besides this, our organization is also focused to promote education, sports, technical skills and other essentials for the overall development of all sections of the society through various competition, support and establishment of student scholarship funds. To conduct humanitarian services and skills program for the child development and their rights, youth rights, youth empowerment, women’s empowerment, women’s rights, dalit empowerment and their rights, protection of the elderly people, disabled, tribes, minorities, rights of disabled, upliftment of the backward classes.

Conducting child friendly programs to provide educational materials to the school and providing necessary education materials to the students like uniforms, bags and health related public awareness materials is also looked up so as to promote education to the children who are deprived and are helpless.

Objectives of Organization

  • To protect and promote people with disability and who are deprived of education, health and other services.
  • Organizing different training programs for the development of tourism sectors of Nepal.
  • To conduct public awareness meetings, conferences, trainings etc to end the misconception and traditions in the net of illiteracy and darkness prevailing in the society.
  • To promote education, sports, technical skills and other essentials for the overall development of all sections of the society through various competition, support and establishment of student scholarship fund.
  • To conduct various employment oriented training, seminars to reduce the problem of unemployment in coordination with various governmental, non-governmental, national and international organizations.